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Tuesday 23 December 2014

4 Tips for Improving SEO

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It is impossible to master SEO or LSEO because they are constantly changing, growing, and evolving. Search engines all have their own algorithms which make the process even more difficult. Google is the most popular search engine in the world, so it is often the go-to SEO.
Even with the ever-changing landscape of SEO, we can stay informed and use common sense to determine where SEO is going. It is time to start planning SEO strategy for 2015. This year brought mobile readiness, responsive design, and going local to the forefront, and that has changed what SEO will look like in the future. 
Here are 4 tips for improving your SEO:
1. SEO for mobile devices. SEO strategies for websites and mobile websites are not necessarily the same. The load speed of a website helps to determine its rank, and websites tend to load slower on mobile devices than they do on desktops. Page load speed needs to be a priority, specifically for mobile websites, in 2015.
2. Go local. Ecommerce businesses don’t usually use LSEO practices, but it can be beneficial. Many people prefer to support local businesses, and will do so even if it costs a bit more than the alternatives. Use LSEO by focusing on where your business is headquartered, the home states of the founders, and other relevant information.
3. Stop using black hat tricks. Hire an SEO agency to go through your website and get rid of black hat tricks you or a previous SEO “expert” may have used. Your search engine rankings could be suffering from these methods. Algorithms are becoming more sophisticated, and they are able to identify black hat tricks, and this results in penalties. Since eBay suffered for its use of those methods, you can be sure your business could see consequences as well.
4. Elevate your content. It is becoming more and more important. Many businesses have their content rewritten annually to make it more relevant and update the keywords. It is worth the cost, and will help you to keep up with changes in search engine algorithms. We are moving toward quarterly updates in Google’s Panda, so it is important to stay on track. This way, you will be ready when the new changes are rolled out.

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